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JACD-v10-no 4_December 1943_Amelogenesis, Presidential, J. Cannon Black, Dentistry and the American Public Health Association, “Kaiser Wakes the Doctors”: A Book Review, Journal of Dental Research—William J. Gies Endowment Fund (Financial Statement) 34.69 MB JACD-v10-no 3_September 1943_The Road to the Future, Quickening the Pace, Dental Education in a Changing America, Is the M.D. Degree a Prerequisite for Effective Research in Dentistry? Research Notes on Fluorine and Dental Caries, Tempest in a Typewriter, Discontent: Stimulant or Depressant? Correspondence and Comment: More Light on the “Harvard Plan” 27.61 MB JACD-v10-no 2_June 1943_Social Security in the United States, Dental Service for the Low Income Group, Comments Concerning Dental Care for Indigents, Social Change and the Practice of Dentistry (Lecture-Conferences), Dentistry and the Changing Democracy, The Health of the American People, Ability to Pay for Dental Care, Plans for Dental and Medical Care, The Future of the Dental Profession, Was John Harris the Founder of American Dental Education (continued), Further Evolution of the “Harvard Plan” 30.51 MB JACD-v10-no 1_March 1943_Are Universities on the Way Out? Amelogenesis, The Determination of Particle Sizes in Dentifrice Powders, Problems in Prosthetic Dentistry, “It Is Up to Us.” The War and Dentistry, A Brief History of the William J. Gies Endowment Fund Committee for the Journal of Dental Research, American Association for the Advancement of Science: Proceedings of the Subsection on Dentistry: Eighth Annual Meeting (postponed), Fluorine and Dental Health, Rear Admiral in the Navy, D. C, Was John Harris “The Founder of American Dental Education?” (Continued), Dental Rank in the Navy 43.46 MB


JACD-v9-no 4_December 1942_ A Standard Procedure for Determining Abrasion by Dentifrices, Concerning the Character of the Age Changes in Enamel and Dentin and Their Relation to the Vital Dental Pulp, Reports of Committees: Education, Necrology, Preventive Service, Meeting of New York and New Jersey Sections: Action Relative to the Journal of Dental Research, Journal of Dental Research: William J. Gies Endowment Fund, Report of the Treasurer 15.30 MB JACD-v9-no 3_September 1942_President’s Address, E. G. Meisel, Pediatrician and Orthodontist, An Account of First Use of Sulphuric Ether by Inhalation as an Ananthetic in Surgical Operations, Anesthesia Centenary, Was John Harris “The Founder of American Dental Education?” Further Comment on the “Proposed Degradation of Dentists in a Medico-Dental Society” History of the Army Dental Corps, “Admiralcy in the Navy Dental Corps” Dentistry: An Autonomous Profession, What Does F.A.C.D. Mean, New Chief of the Army Dental Corps, Collective Views on the Commercial Exploitation of the Journal of Dental Research 28.93 MB JACD-v9-no 2_June 1942_Professional Men, Amelogenesis, The Cost of Adequate Dental Care for Adults, Salivary and Bacteriological Considerations in the Control of Dental Caries, Reports of Committees: Prosthetic Service, Relations, American Association for the Advancement of Science: Proceedings of the Subsection on Dentistry: Seventh Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, Dec. 29 and 30, 1941, Dental Participation in the Advancement of Science, Proposed Degradation of Dentists in a Medico-Dental Society, Military Dentistry: Civil War Style 17.54 MB JACD-v9-no 1_March 1942_Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Analgesia in the General Practice of Dentistry, Nutritional and Dietary Considerations in the Control of Dental Caries, Recommendations for the Control of Dental Caries, Reports of Committees: Certification of Specialists, Education, Endowments, Hospital Dental Service, Journalism, Oral Surgery, Preventive Service, Editorials: William John Gies: Seventy Years of Labor in the Public Interest; Dentistry and Poetry; Chicago, 1942; The Dental Teacher; Palming of Amalgam; Dentistry and Public Opinion; Is the M.D. Degree a Prerequisite for Effective Research in Dentistry; Experience as a Teacher; Politics and the A. C D., Should Most of the Technical Training for Dental Practice Be “Left to Postgraduate Experience,” as It Is for Medical Practice? 41.58 MB


JACD-v8-no 4_December 1941_Necrology: Report of Committee on Necrology, Presidential: The Achievements of the American College of Dentists. Geo. W. Wilson, Research: An Indispensable Aid to Professional Progress, Professional Control of Dental Journalism, Combined Undergraduate Curricula in Professional Education, Dental Schools and Research, Endowment Fund: Journal of Dental Research, Educational Conference, 1942, Dental Officers of the Army and Navy Not in Control of Dental Affairs 42.81 MB JACD-v8-no 3_September 1941_Dental History as a Subject of Undergraduate Instruction, Letters Patent and the Dental Profession, Definite Goals in Dental Education, A Discussion—Should Preclinical Subjects Be Taught to Combined Classes of Medical and Dental Students? Dental Caries. A New Form of Scientific Literature, Need for More Research in Medicine and Dentistry, Calls Upon Dentistry A Splendid Heritage—Shall It Be Destroyed? Truth in Advertising, Problems Confronting Dentistry Standards for Dental Material 35.06 MB JACD-v8-no 2_June 1941_Dentistry as a Profession, Notes on Medico-Dental Relationships, Reports of Committees: Prosthetic Service, Relations, Research, Fellowships and Grants-in-aid in Research, “Medical” Sciences: A Nickname, Dental Students Register-1940, Is the M.D. Degree a Prerequisite for Effective Research in Dentistry? Dentistry and Selective Service 32.77 MB JACD-v8-no 1_March 1941_Is the M.D. Degree a Prerequisite for Effective Research in Dentistry? The Cyclotron and Its Relationship to Biology and Medicine, Reports of Committees: Centennial Celebration, History, Hospital Dental Service, Journalism, Oral Surgery, American Association for the Advancement of Science: Proceedings of the Subsection on Dentistry: Sixth Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 28, 1940 31.15 MB


JACD-v6-no 4_December 1939_Dentistry Through the Centuries, Opportunities in Hospital Internship for Dental Graduates, Undergraduate Dental Education, Requirements for Hospital Internships for Dental Graduates, Publications in Graduate Education, Public Dental Education, The Dental Technician and The Dental Laboratory, Coordination of Dental Services, Dental Research: Need and Opportunity, Financial Support for Dental Research, Reports of Committees to the Board of Regents: Centennial Celebration, Certification of Specialists, Education, Legislation, Oral Surgery, Research 44.66 MB JACD-v6-no 3_September 1939_Necrology: Report of Committee on Necrology, Presidential Address: The Objectives of the American College of Dentists: The Meaning of Fellowship. Arthur H. Merritt, Presidential Inaugural Address: A Century of Progress and a Century of Opportunity. A. W. Bryan, Address: Dentistry’s Social Responsibilities, Address: Dental Services, Reports: Presidential Report, Proceedings of the Milwaukee Convocation; Abstract of Minutes: College and Regents, Secretary’s Special Notes, Dentistry’s Centennial, Research Fellowships and Grants-in-Aid 32.88 MB JACD-v6-no 2_June 1939_Address: The William John Gies Dental Research Fellowship and Awards for Achievement in Research, Dentistry’s Centennial: A Century of Progress in American Dentistry, Dentistry Celebrates, Reports of Committees to Board of Regents: Oral Surgery, Public Relations, Endowments, William John Gies Testimonial, Prosthetic Service, Journalism, American Association for the Advancement of Science: Proceedings of the Subsection on Dentistry: Fourth Annual Meeting, Richmond, Va., December 28, 1938 56.72 MB JACD-v6-no 1_March 1939_Necrology: Report of the Committee on Necrology, Address: Dental Health for American Youth, Reports of Committees to Board of Regents: Education, Research, Hospital Dental Service, Legislation, Socio-Economics, Centennial Celebration, Address: Hospital-Dental Service from the Standpoint of Hospitals, One Hundred Years of American Dentistry, American Association for the Advancement of Science: Proceedings of the Subsection on Dentistry; Fourth Annual Meeting, Richmond, Va., December 28, 1938 32.84 MB


JACD-v5-no 4_December 1938_Presidential address. Charles E. Rudolph, Cooperation between dentistry and medicine in research and graduate education, Reports of committees, on the general theme: Dentistry’s opportunity and responsibility in public relations, Some facts that should be considered in any plan for dental services for the masses 13.85 MB JACD-v5-no 3_September 1938_The Gies Dental Research Fellowships and Awards for Achievement in Research,, Research, American College of Dentists, Dental prosthetic service. IV: Dental trade advertises directly to the public, A course in professional ethics, Some comments on dental health-education, Editorials: State medicine, Selection of dental teachers, Specialization and graduate study, Are the non-proprietary dental journals meeting their responsibility? Editorial falsification in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Oral Surgery, Open discussion of journals controlled by dental societies 29.82 MB JACD-v5-no 1-2_March-June 1938_Objectives, constitution and by-laws, and register of membership,as of March 15, 1938, Some problems common to medicine and dentistry, Dental prosthetic service. III: Laboratory leaders criticize statements by members of the dental profession, American Association for the Advancement of Science: Proceedings of the Subsection on Dentistry; Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 27, 1937, Editorials: Dental research. A. H. M., Planning dental meetings, New classification of dental journals, Temporary change in rating of the American Journal of Orthodontics and Oral Surgery 47.78 MB


JACD-v3-no 3-4_September-December 1936_Presidential: William R. Davis, What we may expect of the American College of Dentists, Dentists: trained or educated? Modern trends in professional standards, Commercial dental literature: use pitiless publicity to combat it, Reports of standing committees: abstracts, Tarnish resistance in gold alloys, including some containing indium, Editorials: San Francisco convocation [American College of Dentists, American Association of Dental Editors, Open discussion of dental journalism, including comment by 20. Notes: Should dentistry be made a specialty of medical practice? Decreased attendance in dental schools: Why? Another provision for graduate work, Correspondence and comment: Dental Students’ Magazine still exploiting dental students, American Dental Syndicate, Supplement (reprints from the covers of the issues in this volume 52.12 MB JACD-v3-no 1-2_March-June 1936_Presidential address: J. Ben Robinson, Medico-dental relationships: Some problems of mutual interest to dentists and physicians, Symposium: Journalism, Opportunities for dental-health activities under the provisions of the social security act, Relationship of dentistry and medicine in socio-economic problems, Relation of the Council on Dental Therapeutics to the profession and the public, Reports of standing committees: abstracts, Blank form for nomination for fellowship: Report of a special committee, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Proceedings of the Subsection on Dentistry, St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 4, 1936; abstract of minutes, Editorials: American Association of Dental Schools, Journal of Dental Education, Projected discussion of dental journalism 53.12 MB


JACD-v2-no 4_December 1935_Oral surgical service as an integral part of modern hospital organization, Medico-dental relationships, Dental service for children, The teacher and the new curriculum, Editorials: New Orleans Convocation [American College of Dentists], Secretary Midgley now President-elect [American College of Dentists] Improvement in medico-dental relationships New Foundation for dental research Irresponsible “professional” journalism “Paying Through the Teeth.” Change in schedule of publication New advertisement policy 48.82 MB JACD-v2-no 2-3_April-July 1935_New York Section in joint session with the New York Academy of Dentistry, Dec. 13, 1934. Symposium: Health service and the public— I. An examination of conflicting social philosophies, II. The adequate health-service movement, III. Discussion—opened by W. H. Marshall, Proceedings of the third meeting with the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec. 29, 1934, Report of the Commission on Journalism, Ad-interim report of the Committee on Dental Prosthetic Service, American Board of Orthodontia, The value of fellowship training in dental education, Socio-economic data. Series II, Master-servant plan” in dentistry, Custom and good form relating to status, rank, titles, and degrees in the U. S. Navy (and Army) 61.36 MB JACD-v2-no 1_January 1935_Celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Dental Educational Council of America, American Dental Association: Code of Ethics: revised at the annual meeting in St Paul, Aug. 8, 1934, American Association of Dental Editors: Report of the Committee on Dental Literature; adopted at the annual meeting in St. Paul, Aug. 4, 1934, Medical attitudes toward dentists, or if I were a dental practitioner, Some differences between medical and dental services; their importance for an adequate program of health-care, Socio-economic data: Compilation; Series I, Dental Educational Council: Tabulation of enrolment of students in the dental schools of the U. S., as of Oct. 15, 1934 34.09 MB


JACD-v1-no 4_October 1934_Presidential address: Bissell B. Palmer, Address: Medical and dental economics, Abstract of minutes of sessions of Regents and College, Reports of committees (by the chairmen): I. President’s address: H. E. Friesen II. Dental Prosthetic Service, III. Editorial Medal Award, IV. Education and Research, V. Endowments, VI. Hospital Dental Service, VII. Journalism, VIII. Legislation, IX. Relations, Socio-economics, Omicron Kappa Upsilon: Elections for 1934, Secretary, Dental caries and civilization 36.35 MB JACD-v1-no 3_July 1934_A message from the President. Bissell B. Palmer, Some ways to increase the usefulness of the College, Sections of the College: conditions of organization; register, Relations between medicine and dentistry, Education in dentistry and medicine: quotations relating to current problems, Correspondence and comment: Relation between medicine and dentistry, Suggestion for dental editors of trade-house journals, Should the constitution of the American College of Dentists be amended? Illustration of advantages that might accrue, if dentistry were developed under the control of another profession, Has the status of oral surgery been changed? Dentistry gains nothing from deceptive propaganda, Are non-proprietary journals inconsistent 16.27 MB JACD-v1-no 2_April 1934_Report of the Commission on Journalism: convocation of the American College of Dentists, 1933 (concluded). Beginning of the American College of Dentists, A new undergraduate curriculum in dentistry, American College of Dentists: Second meeting with the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Boston, Mass., Dec. 29, 1933; joint sessions with Section N (Medical Sciences) and with the American Pharmaceutical Association (including abstracts of twenty papers at morning, afternoon, and evening sessions). Compiled, Editorials: Dentistry’s social position and responsibilities, American Association of Dental Schools, International Association for Dental Research, Journal of Dental Research 16.18 MB