
The American College of Dentists Awards Program recognizes the special efforts and contributions of fellows and other individuals in areas aligned with the ACD mission.

Nominations for national awards should be submitted electronically no later than March 1st of each year. Nominations received after that date will be deferred for review the following year.

All award nominations require:

  • A letter of nomination by a Fellow or Fellows in good standing
  • Two letters of support from Fellows in good standing.
  • C.V., resume, or narrative biography.
acd mission

The William John Gies Award recognizes the broad, exceptional, and distinguished contributions of a fellow to the profession and society. Nominees must demonstrate the qualities detailed below while upholding a level of leadership and professionalism that exemplifies the College. The nominee must be a living fellow in good standing when nominated, although the award may be given posthumously. This is the highest award bestowed by the College.

Nominees must be known for and will be evaluated regarding their:

  • Exceptional level of contribution to the profession
  • Broad contribution to dentistry
  • Exceptional contribution to society
  • Impactful leadership positions
  • Contributions to the dental literature
  • Public Health advocacy.


Nominations must clearly detail exceptional levels of achievement in more than one of the above categories to be successful.

The Outstanding Service Award recognizes an exceptional, life-time commitment to service. Nominees must demonstrate the qualities below while upholding a level of leadership and professionalism that exemplifies the College. The nominee must be a living fellow in good standing when nominated, although the award may be given posthumously.

Nominees must be known for and will be evaluated regarding their:

  • Outstanding service to dentistry
  • Outstanding service to the community
  • Outstanding service to humanity
  • The specific effort embodies the service ideal
  • The effort emphasizes compassion, beneficence, and unselfish behavior.


Nominations must clearly detail exceptional levels of achievement in more than one of the above categories to be successful.

Honorary Fellows are non-dentists who have made exceptional contributions to the profession and society. Nominees must be known for and
will be evaluated regarding:

  • The level of contribution to dentistry beyond that expected of job title or position
  • The level of contribution to human welfare beyond that expected of job title or position
  • Ability to tangibly serve the mission of the ACD
  • Contributing to the leadership and success of their section
  • A history of community service clearly expressive of a desire to help mankind
  • They have provided an eminent contribution to ethics and professionalism.


Nominations must clearly detail exceptional levels of achievement in more than one of the above categories to be successful.

Board-nominated Awards

Nominations for two awards are by the Board of Regents, however, any fellow may submit names and supporting information to the Board for consideration. To submit a recommendation for one of the following awards, please contact Suzan Pitman at [email protected] or 301-977-3223.

The Ethics and Professionalism Award recognizes exceptional contributions of individuals or organizations in the promotion of ethics or professionalism in dentistry. This award is made possible by a gift from The Jerome B. Miller Family Foundation.


The Distinguished Leadership Award recognizes individuals having a record of significant and distinguished leadership in dentistry, public health, or national health policy while in a position of national or international responsibility.